Friday, June 19, 2015

Thinking with kids.

It's not always easy to write. Even childless authors living alone in the woods can struggle with getting their thoughts down clearly...and I am far from childless and alone.

As I sit at my computer, trying to come up with a new post, I'm holding a squirmy baby on my lap. My toddler has given me a lecture on his "very rare" pirate doubloon, which he's entrusted to my safekeeping. I've had to settle two fairly heated disputes over the popular toy house with real locking doors. I've reminded the kids not to run inside, oh, at least a zillion times. How am I supposed to think like this?!

It's not just blog posting that my kids interrupt, either. Sometimes it's paying bills, or filling out paperwork, or even just figuring out what to make for dinner. I can barely string two sentences together - out loud or internally - without someone needing a drink, or a kiss for their booboo, or a dispute settled.

So, why will I miss these crazy, near-constant interruptions of my life? Well, even though it may be frustrating when I'm trying to accomplish something, all of the interruptions can be seen as signs of something positive. My toddler's enthrallment with his plastic, mass-produced pirate doubloon is pretty darn cute. Kids running through the house, least they are being cheerful and having fun.

In twenty years, when the kids are all out of the house, I will most likely be grateful for being able to think my thoughts all the way through (assuming my brain recovers, haha) but I will surely miss having little ones around to entertain me with their enjoyment of simple things.

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